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abscissaCursorDisplay() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the CursorDisplay.Position.BOTTOM the abscissa value at mouse cursor position.
abscissaCursorDisplay(CursorDisplay.Position) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the given position the abscissa value at mouse cursor position.
abscissaCursorDisplay(CursorDisplay.Position, Format) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the given position the abscissa value at mouse cursor position, using the given formatter to format the abscissa value.
AbscissaDataComparator<X> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util
Comparator to be used when searching for XYChart.Data points within a XYChart.Series.The comparison is performed against the X value (abscissa).
AbscissaDataComparator(Axis<X>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.AbscissaDataComparator
Creates a new instance of AbscissaDataComparator.
AbstractAnnotationProcessor - Class in eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang
An AbstractProcessor with some common utilities.
AbstractAnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
AbstractBoundedPlugin - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins
Abstract class base of all plugins needing to be notified when chart plotting bounds change.
AbstractBoundedPlugin(String) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractBoundedPlugin
AbstractCursorPlugin - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins
Abstract class base of all cursor plugins.
AbstractCursorPlugin(String) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractCursorPlugin
AbstractData() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.AbstractData
AbstractNamedPlugin - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins
A Plugin with a name.
AbstractNamedPlugin(String) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractNamedPlugin
acceptEither(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
acceptEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
acceptEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
addChartPlugins(ObservableList<Plugin>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
More robust method for adding plugins to chart.
addChartPlugins(ObservableList<Plugin>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
More robust method for adding plugins to chart.
addChartPlugins(ObservableList<Plugin>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
More robust method for adding plugins to chart.
addChartPlugins(ObservableList<Plugin>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
More robust method for adding plugins to chart.
addChartPlugins(ObservableList<Plugin>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
More robust method for adding plugins to chart.
addChartPlugins(ObservableList<Plugin>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
More robust method for adding plugins to chart.
addChildDirectory(Path, TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem
Adds a new child representing a directory to this item.
addChildFile(Path, FileTime, TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem
Adds a new child representing a directory to this item.
addDirectory(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Add a no-top-lever directory to the model.
addDirectory(Path, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem
Adds a directory to the model rooted at this item.
addDirectory(Path, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Add a no-top-level directory to the model.
addErrorData(ErrorSeries.ErrorData<X, Y>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
Adds the given value to the series.
addFile(Path, FileTime) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Add a file to the model.
addFile(Path, FileTime, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem
Adds a file to the model rooted at this item.
addFile(Path, FileTime, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Add a file to the model.
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.AbstractData
addTopLevelDirectory(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Add a top-lever directory to the model.
addTopLevelDirectory(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryMonitor
Adds a directory to watch.
addTopLevelDirectory(Path, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Add a top-lever directory to the model.
addTopLevelDirectory(Path, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryMonitor
Adds a directory to watch.
all() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns all available Plugins, in the right order.
andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends W>) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.function.TriFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies this function to its input, and then applies the after function to the result.
animate(Animation) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ChartLayoutAnimator
Play the given Animation.
animate(KeyFrame...) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ChartLayoutAnimator
Play an animation containing the given KeyFrames.
AnnotationError - Error in eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang
AnnotationError(String) - Constructor for error eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AnnotationError
AnnotationError(Element, String) - Constructor for error eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AnnotationError
AnnotationError(Element, AnnotationMirror, String) - Constructor for error eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AnnotationError
AnnotationError(Element, AnnotationMirror, AnnotationValue, String) - Constructor for error eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AnnotationError
apply(Path, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory
apply(T, U, V) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.function.TriFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
applyToEither(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
applyToEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
applyToEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T>, Function<? super T, U>, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
AreaChartFX<X,​Y> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A thin extension of the FX AreaChart supporting custom plugin implementations.
AreaChartFX(Axis<X>, Axis<Y>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
Construct a new area chart with the given axis.
AreaChartFX(Axis<X>, Axis<Y>, ObservableList<XYChart.Series<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
Construct a new area chart with the given axis and data.
areaValueCursorDisplay() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the CursorDisplay.Position.TOP the chart area value under mouse cursor position.
areaValueCursorDisplay(CursorDisplay.Position) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the given position the chart area value under mouse cursor position.
areaValueCursorDisplay(CursorDisplay.Position, Format) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the given position the chart area value under mouse cursor position, using the given formatter to format the area value.
asDirectoryItem() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem
asFileItem() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem
Assertions - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util
Set of assertion methods useful for checking method arguments.
assertValueAxis(Axis<?>, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Assertions
Asserts that given axis is an instance of ValueAxis.
AsynchronousIO - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io
API for asynchronous file-system operations.
AutoCloser<T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
This utility class allows to use non-AutoCloseable classes in auto-closeable contexts.
AutoCloser.AutoClosableSupplier - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
autoPointsCountProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
autoRange(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
autoRange(double, double, double, double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
autoRange(double, double, double, double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Called to set the upper and lower bound and anything else that needs to be auto-ranged.
autoRangePaddingProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
AxisConstrained - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins
Define the common behavior of axis constrained plugins.
AxisConstrained.AxisConstraints - Enum in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins
Defines constraints of axis-related operations such as pan or zoom.


BarChartFX<X,​Y> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A thin extension of the FX BarChart supporting custom plugin implementations.
BarChartFX(Axis<X>, Axis<Y>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
Construct a new bar chart with the given axis.
BarChartFX(Axis<X>, Axis<Y>, ObservableList<XYChart.Series<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
Construct a new bar chart with the given axis and data.
barGapProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
bestConstrasting(Color, Color...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
Selects from the others Colors the one with the best contrast against the given color.
binaryName(TypeElement) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
BLACK_WHITE - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ColorGradient
Black to white gradient.
BLUR_OFF - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
boundsChanged() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractBoundedPlugin
Called when lower and/or upper bounds of X and/or Y axis change.
build(I) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryMonitor
Creates a TreeDirectoryMonitor instance to be used from the JavaFX application thread.
build(I, Executor) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryMonitor
Creates a TreeDirectoryMonitor instance to be used from a designated thread.
build(I, Function<T, Path>, Function<Path, T>, Executor) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryMonitor
Creates a TreeDirectoryMonitor instance to be used from a designated thread.
build(Class<?>, List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.SystemUtils
Creates a ProcessBuilder ready to execute the given class (that needs to have a main method) as a detached sub-process.
build(String, Class<?>, List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.SystemUtils
Creates a ProcessBuilder ready to execute the given class (that needs to have a main method) as a detached sub-process.
build(Executor) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Creates a DirectoryWatcher instance.
build(TreeItem<T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Returns a walker initialized with the given root item.
build(TreeTableView<T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Returns a walker initialized with the TreeTableView.getRoot() from the given view.
build(TreeView<T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Returns a walker initialized with the TreeView.getRoot() from the given view.
buildSynchronized(TreeItem<T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Returns a synchronized walker initialized with the given root item.
buildSynchronized(TreeTableView<T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Returns a synchronized walker initialized with the TreeTableView.getRoot() from the given view.
buildSynchronized(TreeView<T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Returns a synchronized walker initialized with the TreeView.getRoot() from the given view.
Bundle - Annotation Type in eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation
This annotation provides the way of changing the resource bundle name from the default "Bundle.properties" to something else.
BundleItem - Annotation Type in eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation
This annotation define a single entry in the resource bundle file.
BundleItems - Annotation Type in eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation
Similar to BundleItem but permits multiple registrations of one item.
Bundles - Class in eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation
Utility method to be used with Bundle, BundleItem, and BundleItems annotations.
by(Consumer<Supplier<T>>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.AutoCloser
Provides this wrapping class the mean to "close" the wrapped resource in an auto-closable context.


cachedThreadPool() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ThreadPools
Returns a thread pool that creates new threads as needed, but will reuse previously constructed threads when they are available.
calculateMinorTickMarks() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
calculateMinorTickMarks() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Calculate a list of the data values for every minor tick mark.
calculateTickValues(double, Object) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
calculateTickValues(double, Object) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
calculateTickValues(double, Object) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Calculate a list of all the data values for each tick mark in range.
captureSnapshotAndCopyToSystemClipboard(Node) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ClipboardUtils
Captures a snapshot image of the given Node and copies it into the system clipboard.
changeOpacity(Color, double) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
Adds the given offset to the color's opacity.
chartConnected(Chart) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Called when the plugin is added to a chart.
chartConnected(Chart) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractBoundedPlugin
chartConnected(Chart) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractCursorPlugin
chartDisconnected(Chart) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Called when the plugin has been removed from the chart.
chartDisconnected(Chart) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractBoundedPlugin
chartDisconnected(Chart) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractCursorPlugin
ChartLayoutAnimator - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A one-to-one replacement of the no more available com.sun.javafx.charts.ChartLayoutAnimator class.
ChartLayoutAnimator(Parent) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ChartLayoutAnimator
chartWidthToDataPointsRatioProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
CHEVRON_DOWN - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
CHEVRON_LEFT - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
CHEVRON_RIGHT - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
CHEVRON_UP - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Returns value if it included inside the range made of the two extrema parameters, otherwise returns the range's minimum if value is lower than it, or the range's maximum.
clamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Returns value if it included inside the range made of the two extrema parameters, otherwise returns the range's minimum if value is lower than it, or the range's maximum.
clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Returns value if it included inside the range made of the two extrema parameters, otherwise returns the range's minimum if value is lower than it, or the range's maximum.
clamp(long, long, long) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Returns value if it included inside the range made of the two extrema parameters, otherwise returns the range's minimum if value is lower than it, or the range's maximum.
classesOf(ServiceLoader<S>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.ServiceLoaderUtilities
Returns the List of classes implementing the given service provider interface (spi).
ClassIconProvider - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi
Provides icons (i.e.
clear() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Clear all the data in the plot and the styling
clearSystemClipboard() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ClipboardUtils
Clear the system clipboard.
ClipboardUtils - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.util
Various utilities for clipboards.
close() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.AutoCloser.AutoClosableSupplier
close() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Shutdown this watcher.
ColorGradient(Stop...) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ColorGradient
Creates a new instance of ColorGradient.
colorGradientProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
COLORS - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.SeriesColorUtils
ColorUtils - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.util
Various utility methods operating on Color.
comment() - Method in annotation type eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.BundleItem
An optional comment to be inserted before the item in the resource bundle.
CommonIcons - Enum in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control
Keys to be used with Icons.iconFor(Object, int) to obtain the common icons.
compare(XYChart.Data<X, ?>, XYChart.Data<X, ?>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.AbscissaDataComparator
compareTo(Timestamp) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Compare this timestamp with another timestamp.
computePrefHeight(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend
computePrefWidth(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend
constraintsProperty() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AxisConstrained
contains(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem
contains(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
contains(Path) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel
Indicates whether this directory model contains the given path.
containsPrefixOf(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Indicates whether this directory model contains roots whose name is a prefix in the given path name.
COPY - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
copyToSystemClipboard(String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ClipboardUtils
Copy the given string into the system clipboard.
create(Predicate<T>) - Static method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemPredicate
Utility method to create a TreeItemPredicate from a given Predicate.
createDirectories(Path, I, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Create a new directory by creating all nonexistent parent directories first.
createDirectories(Path, I, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO
createDirectories(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Create a new directory by creating all nonexistent parent directories first.
createDirectories(Path, Consumer<Path>, Consumer<Throwable>, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Create a new directory by creating all nonexistent parent directories first.
createDirectory(Path, I, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Creates a directory.
createDirectory(Path, I, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO
createDirectory(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Creates a directory.
createDirectory(Path, Consumer<Path>, Consumer<Throwable>, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Create a new directory using the given path.
createDirectoryItem(T, TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory, Function<T, Path>, Function<Path, T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems
Creates a new instance of TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem for the given parameters.
createDirectoryItem(T, TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory, Function<T, Path>, Function<Path, T>, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems
Creates a new instance of TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem for the given parameters.
createFile(Path, I, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Creates an empty file.
createFile(Path, I, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO
createFile(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Creates an empty file.
createFile(Path, Consumer<FileTime>, Consumer<Throwable>, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Create a new file using the given path.
createFileItem(T, FileTime, TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory, Function<T, Path>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems
Creates a new instance of TreeDirectoryItems.FileItem for the given parameters.
createGraphic(Path, boolean, boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel.DefaultGraphicFactory
createGraphic(Path, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory
Creates a graphics Node for the given Path.
createStream() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
createTitlePane(String, Node, Node...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.FXUtils
Creates a TitledPane with the given title and content, and places the further Nodes on the right.
createTopLevelDirectoryItem(T, TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory, Function<T, Path>, Function<Path, T>, DirectoryModel.Reporter<I>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems
Creates a new instance of TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem for the given parameters.
createTopLevelDirectoryItem(T, TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory, Function<T, Path>, Function<Path, T>, DirectoryModel.Reporter<I>, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems
Creates a new instance of TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem for the given parameters.
creation(Path, Path, I) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Update
Utility method to create an DirectoryModel.Update instance whose type is DirectoryModel.UpdateType.CREATION.
CREATION - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.UpdateType
Indicates a new file/directory entry.
creations() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
creations() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel
CROSS - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
cursorLines() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin that shows horizontal and vertical lines drawn on the plot area, crossing at the mouse cursor location.
CUT - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons


DASHDOT - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.LineStyle
DASHED - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.LineStyle
dataPointCursorDisplay() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the CursorDisplay.Position.CENTER the coordinates of the closest chart data point at mouse cursor position.
dataPointCursorDisplay(CursorDisplay.Position) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the given position the coordinates of the closest chart data point at mouse cursor position.
dataPointCursorDisplay(CursorDisplay.Position, Format) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the given position the coordinates of the closest chart data point at mouse cursor position, using the given formatter to format the abscissa and ordinate values of the picked chart data point.
dataProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
dataProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
DataReducer<X,​Y> - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data
Defines the behavior of the algorithms used to reduce number of data points to the desired amount.
dataReducerProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
dataReducerProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
DataReducingObservableList<X extends Number,​Y extends Number> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data
An ObservableList whose data is automatically reduced to the specified pointsCount.
DataReducingObservableList(ValueAxis<X>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
Creates a new instance of DataReducingObservableList initializing the source data to an empty list.
DataReducingObservableList(ValueAxis<X>, ObservableList<XYChart.Data<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
Creates a new instance of DataReducingObservableList.
DataReducingSeries<X extends Number,​Y extends Number> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data
A data series capable of reducing data.
DataReducingSeries() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Construct a empty series.
DataReducingSeries(String, ObservableList<XYChart.Data<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Constructs a named series and populates it with the given ObservableList data.
DataReducingSeries(ObservableList<XYChart.Data<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Constructs a series and populates it with the given ObservableList data.
DATE_TIME_FORMATTER - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
DateAxis - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
An axis that displays date and time values.
DateAxis() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Constructs a default date axis where the lower and upper bound are calculated by the data.
DateAxis(String, Date, Date) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Constructs a date axis with a label and fix lower and upper bounds.
DateAxis(Date, Date) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Constructs a date axis with fix lower and upper bounds.
DateAxis.DateConverter - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
DateConverter(DateFormat) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis.DateConverter
DEFAULT_GRAPHIC_FACTORY - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Graphic factory that returns a folder icon for a directory and a document icon for a regular file.
DEFAULT_INJECTOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems
The default Function converting a Path into the object used as value in the corresponding TreeItem when the TreeItem generic type is just Path.
DEFAULT_POINTS_COUNT - Static variable in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducer
Default number of target points: 1000.
DEFAULT_PROJECTOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems
The default Function converting the object returned by TreeItem.getValue() into the corresponding Path when the TreeItem generic type is just Path.
DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
The default icon size to used in menus and toolbars
DefaultData(X[], Y[], double[][]) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.DefaultData
Creates new instance.
DefaultExecutorCompletionStage<T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
Completion stage wrapper that uses the provided executor as both the default execution facility and the default asynchronous execution facility.
DefaultFormatter(NumberAxis) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis.DefaultFormatter
Construct a DefaultFormatter for the given NumberAxis.
DefaultFormatter(NumberAxis, String, String) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis.DefaultFormatter
Construct a DefaultFormatter for the given NumberAxis with a prefix and/or suffix.
DefaultGraphicFactory() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel.DefaultGraphicFactory
defaultTreePathCellFactory() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Returns a cell factory to be used in TreeViews whose type parameter is Path.
delete(Path) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Deletes a file or an empty directory.
delete(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Delete the given path from the model.
delete(Path, I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Deletes a file or an empty directory.
delete(Path, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO
delete(Path, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Delete the given path from the model.
delete(Path, Consumer<Boolean>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Deletes a file or an empty directory.
DELETE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
DeleteFileVisitor - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io
A FileVisitor that will delete a file tree.
DeleteFileVisitor() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DeleteFileVisitor
deleteTree(Path) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Deletes a file tree rooted at the given path.
deleteTree(Path, I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Deletes a file tree rooted at the given path.
deleteTree(Path, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO
deleteTree(Path, Consumer<Void>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Deletes a file tree rooted at the given path.
deletion(Path, Path, I) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Update
Utility method to create an DirectoryModel.Update instance whose type is DirectoryModel.UpdateType.DELETION.
DELETION - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.UpdateType
Indicates removal of a file/directory entry.
deletions() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
deletions() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel
DensityChartFX<X,​Y> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
DensityChartFX is a specialized chart that uses colors to represent data values.
DensityChartFX(Axis<X>, Axis<Y>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
Construct a new DensityChartFX with the given axis.
DensityChartFX.AbstractData<X,​Y> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
Abstract data implementing Observable interface.
DensityChartFX.ColorGradient - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
Color gradient class provides colors to encode DensityChartFX data values.
DensityChartFX.Data<X,​Y> - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
Heat map data.
DensityChartFX.DefaultData<X,​Y> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
DensityChartFX.Data implementation based on arrays.
DensityChartFX.ProjectionData<X,​Y> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
DensityChartFX.Data implementation based on arrays.
DirectoryItem(T, Node, Node, Function<T, Path>, Function<Path, T>, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem
Creates a new instance of TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem for the given parameters.
DirectoryModel<I,​T> - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree
Observable model of multiple directory trees.
DirectoryModel.Reporter<I> - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree
API defining few reporting methods.
DirectoryModel.Update<I> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree
Represents an update to the directory model.
DirectoryModel.UpdateType - Enum in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree
Types of updates to the director model.
DirectoryWatcher - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io
Watches for changes in files and directories, and allows for standard operations on both files and directories.
DirectoryWatcher(Executor) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
DirectoryWatcher.DirectoryEvent - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io
Contains the information about entry create, delete or modify occurred to a watched directory.
dispose() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
dispose() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryMonitor
Releases resources used by this TreeDirectoryMonitor instance.
doAdd(int, XYChart.Data<X, Y>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
doRemove(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
doSet(int, XYChart.Data<X, Y>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
DOTTED - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.LineStyle
DoubleConverter() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis.DoubleConverter
dragDetected(MouseEvent) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractCursorPlugin
Called when a drag gesture is detected.


equals(Object) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Determine if the given timestamp equals this one.
errorBars(ErrorSeries<X, Y>, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin that shows horizontal and vertical error bars around chart data points.
ErrorData(ErrorSeries.ErrorData<X, Y>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
ErrorData(XYChart.Data<X, Y>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
Initializes the data point and the 2 Paths.
ErrorData(XYChart.Data<X, Y>, double) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
Creates an error data element without no X error data.
ErrorData(XYChart.Data<X, Y>, double, double) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
Creates an error data element.
errors() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
errors() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
errors() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryMonitor
errors() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel
ErrorSeries<X,​Y> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data
Holds the values of the error bars.
ErrorSeries() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
Construct a empty series.
ErrorSeries(String, ObservableList<ErrorSeries.ErrorData<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
Constructs a named series and populates it with the given ObservableList data.
ErrorSeries(ObservableList<ErrorSeries.ErrorData<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
Constructs the series and populates it with the given ObservableList data.
ErrorSeries.ErrorData<X,​Y> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data
ESS_ATTENTION - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_BLUE - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_BLUE_DARK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_BLUE_LED - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_BLUE_LED_OFF - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_DISCONNECTED - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_ERROR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_GRAY - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_GRAY_DARK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_GREEN - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_GREEN_DARK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_GREEN_LED - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_GREEN_LED_OFF - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_INVALID - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_MAGENTA - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_MAGENTA_DARK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_MAGENTA_LED - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_MAGENTA_LED_OFF - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_MAJOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_MINOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_OFF - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_OK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_ON - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_ORANGE - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_ORANGE_DARK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_ORANGE_LED - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_ORANGE_LED_OFF - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_PRIMARY - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_PRIMARY_DARK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_PRIMARY_LIGHT - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_RED - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_RED_DARK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_RED_LED - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_RED_LED_OFF - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_SECONDARY - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_SECONDARY_DARK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_SECONDARY_LIGHT - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_STOP - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_WARNING - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_YELLOW - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_YELLOW_DARK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_YELLOW_LED - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
ESS_YELLOW_LED_OFF - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
eu.ess.xaos.app - package eu.ess.xaos.app
eu.ess.xaos.app.preloader - package eu.ess.xaos.app.preloader
eu.ess.xaos.core.util - package eu.ess.xaos.core.util
eu.ess.xaos.core.util.function - package eu.ess.xaos.core.util.function
eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io - package eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io
eu.ess.xaos.core.util.spi - package eu.ess.xaos.core.util.spi
eu.ess.xaos.demos.simple - package eu.ess.xaos.demos.simple
eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation - package eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation
eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang - package eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang
eu.ess.xaos.ui.control - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.control
eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.svg - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.svg
eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree
eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data
eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins
eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.spi - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.spi
eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util
eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi
eu.ess.xaos.ui.util - package eu.ess.xaos.ui.util
events() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
exceptionally(Function<Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
execute(File, String...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.SystemUtils
Execute the given command and return its output as a string.
execute(Class<?>, List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.SystemUtils
Executes the given class (that needs to have a main method) as a detached sub-process, returning its exit value.
execute(String...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.SystemUtils
Execute the given command and return its output as a string.
execute(String, Class<?>, List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.SystemUtils
Executes the given class (that needs to have a main method) as a detached sub-process, returning its exit value.
expandAll(TreeItem<T>, boolean) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Expands/collapses the node and all its non-leaf children recursively.
expandAll(TreeTableView<T>, boolean) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Expands/collapses the TreeTableView root node and all its non-leaf children recursively.
expandAll(TreeView<T>, boolean) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Expands/collapses the TreeView root node and all its non-leaf children recursively.
extensionFor(File) - Static method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi.FileExtensionIconProvider
extensionFor(Path) - Static method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi.FileExtensionIconProvider


FILE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
FILE_EXECUTABLE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
FILE_HIDDEN - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
FILE_IMAGE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
FILE_LINK - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
FileExtensionIconProvider - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi
Provides icons (i.e.
FileItem(T, FileTime, Node, Function<T, Path>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.FileItem
FilterableTreeItem<T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree
An extension of TreeItem with the possibility to filter its children.
FilterableTreeItem() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.FilterableTreeItem
Creates a new FilterableTreeItem with filtered children.
FilterableTreeItem(T) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.FilterableTreeItem
Creates a new FilterableTreeItem with filtered children.
FilterableTreeItem(T, Node) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.FilterableTreeItem
Creates a new FilterableTreeItem with filtered children.To enable filtering sorting it is necessary to set the TreeItemPredicate.If no predicate is set, then the tree item will attempt so bind itself to the predicate of its parent.
FilterableTreeItem(T, Node, boolean) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.FilterableTreeItem
Creates a new FilterableTreeItem with filtered children.To enable filtering sorting it is necessary to set the TreeItemPredicate.If no predicate is set, then the tree item will attempt so bind itself to the predicate of its parent.
FilterableTreeItem(T, Node, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.FilterableTreeItem
Creates a new FilterableTreeItem with filtered children.To enable filtering sorting it is necessary to set the TreeItemPredicate.If no predicate is set, then the tree item will attempt so bind itself to the predicate of its parent.
find(TreeItem<T>, Predicate<? super TreeItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return an Optional object possibly containing the first tree item from the tree rooted at the given root node, matching the given Predicate.
find(TreeTableView<T>, Predicate<? super TreeItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return an Optional object possibly containing the first tree item from the given tree table, matching the given Predicate.
find(TreeView<T>, Predicate<? super TreeItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return an Optional object possibly containing the first tree item from the given tree, matching the given Predicate.
findAnnotationMirror(Element, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Returns the mirror for the given annotation.
findAnnotationValue(AnnotationMirror, String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
Returns the value for the given annotation.
findFirst(ServiceLoader<S>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.ServiceLoaderUtilities
Load the first available service provider of the given service provider interface (spi).
findValue(TreeItem<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return an Optional object possibly containing the first tree item from the tree rooted at the given root node, whose value is matching the given Predicate.
findValue(TreeTableView<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return an Optional object possibly containing the first tree item from the given tree table, whose value is matching the given Predicate.
findValue(TreeView<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return an Optional object possibly containing the first tree item from the given tree, whose value is matching the given Predicate.
fireInvalidated() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.AbstractData
Notifies listeners that the data has been invalidated.
fixedPointsCountProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
fixedPointsCountProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
fixedThreadPool() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ThreadPools
Returns a thread pool that reuses a fixed number of threads (equals to the number of available processors) operating off a shared unbounded queue, and that can schedule commands to run after a given delay, or to execute periodically.
FOLDER_COLLAPSED - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
FOLDER_EXPANDED - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
forceZeroInRangeProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
When true zero is always included in the visible range.
format(DateFormat) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Generate a string representation of this timestamp using the specified time format for the time format up to seconds.
formattedValue(Axis<T>, T) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Invokes the protected Axis.getTickMarkLabel(java.lang.Object) using introspection.
FORWARD - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
freeDiskSpace(File) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.SystemUtils
Returns the percentage of available space to this virtual machine on the partition named by the given abstract pathname.
fromString(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis.DateConverter
fromString(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis.DefaultFormatter
Converts the string provided into a Number defined by the this converter.Format of the string and type of the resulting object is defined by this converter.
fromString(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis.DoubleConverter
fromString(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.TimeAxis.TimeConverter
FXUtils - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.util
Various utilities for the FX platform.


GEARS - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
get() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.AutoCloser.AutoClosableSupplier
get() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.Lazy
Returns the current value of this lazy container.
get(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
get(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.Bundles
Used to retrieve a message from a resource bundle populated through the Bundle, BundleItem, and BundleItems annotations.
getActualInterval() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
getAutoRangePadding() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Gets the value of the property autoRangePadding.
getBarGap() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
getBaseDir() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Update
getChart() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
getChart() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
getChart() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
getChart() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
getChart() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
getChart() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Returns Chart associated with this plugin or null if this plugin hasn't been added to any chart.
getChart() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Pluggable
getChart() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
getChartLegend() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
getChartWidthToDataPointsRatio() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Gets the value of the property chartWidthToDataPointsRatio.
getClassCssMetaData() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
getClassCssMetaData() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
getColorGradient() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
getConstraints() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AxisConstrained
Gets the value of the property constraints.
getCssMetaData() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
getCssMetaData() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
getData() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Gets the value of the property data.
getData() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
getData() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
getDataPoint() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
getDataReducer() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
Gets the value of the property dataReducer.
getDataReducer() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Gets the value of the property dataReducer.
getDateFormat() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
getDepth() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
getDisplayPosition(Number) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
getDisplayPosition(Date) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
getElements() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
getEnvironment() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
A clean way of accessing AbstractProcessor.processingEnv.
getEvents() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher.DirectoryEvent
getFailureMessage() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
getField(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.Reflections
Searches for a field in the given class and all of its super classes.
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.Reflections
Read a field value.
getFieldValue(Field, Object) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.Reflections
Read a field value.
getFiler() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
getFixedPointsCount() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Gets the value of the property fixedPointsCount.
getGroup(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.svg.SVG
Get the group object indicated by the given id.
getHandler() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.spi.LogHandlerProvider
getImage(String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ResourceUtils
getInitiator() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Update
getInjector() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem
getInstance() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
getItems() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend
Gets the value of the property items.
getLastModified() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.FileItem
getLegendItems() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
getLegendItems() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
getLegendItems() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
getLegendItems() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
getLegendItems() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
getLegendItems() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Pluggable
getLegendItems() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
getLevel() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.spi.LogHandlerProvider
getLine() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
Gets the value of the property line.
getLocationInPlotArea(Point2D) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Converts mouse location within the scene to the location relative to the plot area.
getLocationInPlotArea(MouseEvent) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Converts mouse location within the scene to the location relative to the plot area.
getLowerBound() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Gets the lower bound of the axis.
getLuma(Color) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
Returns the weighted brightness (luma) according to the HSP color model.
getMessager() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
getMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.Reflections
Searches for a method in the given class and all of its super classes.If the method cannot be found NoSuchMethodException is thrown.
getName() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Gets the value of the property name.
getName() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
getName() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
getName() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractNamedPlugin
getNode() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
getNode() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
Returns the node to display for this series.
getNode(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.svg.SVG
Get node object indicated by the given id.
getOnCollapse() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem
getOnExpand() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem
getOnPanDown() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property onPanDown.
getOnPanDown() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property onPanDown.
getOnPanLeft() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property onPanLeft.
getOnPanLeft() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property onPanLeft.
getOnPanRight() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property onPanRight.
getOnPanRight() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property onPanRight.
getOnPanUp() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property onPanUp.
getOnPanUp() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property onPanUp.
getOnRedo() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property onRedo.
getOnRedo() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property onRedo.
getOnUndo() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property onUndo.
getOnUndo() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property onUndo.
getOnZoomIn() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property onZoomIn.
getOnZoomIn() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property onZoomIn.
getOnZoomOut() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property onZoomOut.
getOnZoomOut() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property onZoomOut.
getOnZoomToOne() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property onZoomToOne.
getOnZoomToOne() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property onZoomToOne.
getPath() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem
getPath() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Update
getPlotAreaBounds() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Gets the bounds of the plot area.
getPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
getPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
getPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
Modifiable and observable list of all content in the plot.
getPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
getPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
getPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Returns a list containing nodes that should be added to the list of child nodes of the associated XYChart's plot area children.
getPlotChildren() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Pluggable
getPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
getPluggable() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.PluggableChartContainer
Gets the value of the property pluggable.
getPlugins() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
getPlugins() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
getPlugins() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
getPlugins() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
getPlugins() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
getPlugins() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Pluggable
getPlugins() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
getPointsCount() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
Gets the value of the property pointsCount.
getPredicate() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.FilterableTreeItem
Gets the value of the property predicate.
getProjector() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem
getRange() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
getRange() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
getRange() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Called to get the current axis range.
getRelativeChild(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem
getRelativePath() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Update
getRoot() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
getRoot() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel
Returns a tree item that can be used as a root of a TreeView.
getScene() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
getSceneMouseLocation() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractCursorPlugin
getSeries() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
getSeriesRef() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
getShowMarkers() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Get the flag to enable/disable showing symbols on the plot.
getSourceData() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
getStage() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
getStops() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ColorGradient
Returns the gradient stops.
getStyle() - Method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.LineStyle
getStyle() - Method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
getSymbol() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
Gets the value of the property symbol.
getText() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
Gets the value of the property text.
getTickLabelFormatter() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Gets the tick label formatter for the ticks.
getTickMarkLabel(Number) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
getTickMarkLabel(Number) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Get the string label name for a tick mark with the given value.
getTickMarkLabel(Date) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
getTickUnit() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Gets the value of the property tickUnit.
getType() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Update
getTypes() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AbstractAnnotationProcessor
getUnfilteredChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.FilterableTreeItem
Returns the list of children that is backing the filtered list.
getUpperBound() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Gets the upper bound of the axis.
getUserAgentStylesheet() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
getValueForDisplay(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
getValueForDisplay(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
getWatchedPath() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher.DirectoryEvent
getXAxis() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
getXAxis() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Return the X Axis for Plugin.getChart().
getXAxis(Chart) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Return the X Axis for the given chart.
getXDoubleValue(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ProjectionData
getXError() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
getXErrorPath() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
getXProjection(DensityChartFX.Data<Number, Number>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
getXSize() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.Data
Size of the data along X axis.
getXSize() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.DefaultData
getXSize() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ProjectionData
getXValue() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
getXValue(int) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.Data
Returns X coordinate at given index.
getXValue(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.DefaultData
getXValue(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ProjectionData
getXValueAxis() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
getXValueAxis(Chart) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Return the X ValueAxis for the given chart.
getXValueForDisplay(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
getXValueForDisplayAsDouble(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
getYAxis() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
Returns the y axis.
getYAxis() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Return the Y Axis for Plugin.getChart().
getYAxis(Chart) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Return the Y Axis for the given chart.
getYDoubleValue(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ProjectionData
getYError() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
getYErrorPath() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
getYProjection(DensityChartFX.Data<Number, Number>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
getYSize() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.Data
Size of the data along Y axis.
getYSize() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.DefaultData
getYSize() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ProjectionData
getYValue() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
getYValue(int) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.Data
Returns Y coordinate at given index.
getYValue(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.DefaultData
getYValue(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ProjectionData
getYValueAxis() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
getYValueAxis(Chart) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Return the Y ValueAxis for the given chart.
getYValueForDisplay(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
getYValueForDisplayAsDouble(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
getZAxis() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
Returns the Z axis representing scale of Data Z values.
getZeroPosition() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
getZoneID() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
getZValue(int, int) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.Data
Returns the Z value for given X and Y coordinate index.
getZValue(int, int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.DefaultData
getZValue(int, int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ProjectionData


handle(long) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ChartLayoutAnimator
handle(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
handle(Level, String, String, String, Throwable) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogHandler
Called by LogUtils log methods to further processing log information.
handle(ActionEvent) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ChartLayoutAnimator
handleApplicationNotification(Preloader.PreloaderNotification) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.preloader.XAOSPreloader
handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U>, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
handleErrorNotification(Preloader.ErrorNotification) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.preloader.XAOSPreloader
handleProgressNotification(Preloader.ProgressNotification) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.preloader.XAOSPreloader
handleStateChangeNotification(Preloader.StateChangeNotification) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.preloader.XAOSPreloader
hashCode() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Override the hashcode as required when overriding equals.
hasNext() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
HistogramChartFX<X extends Number,​Y extends Number> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A specialized LineChart used to draw histograms.
HistogramChartFX(ValueAxis<X>, ValueAxis<Y>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
Construct a new histogram chart with the given axis.
HistogramChartFX(ValueAxis<X>, ValueAxis<Y>, ObservableList<XYChart.Series<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
Construct a new histogram chart with the given data.
HOLLOW_CIRCLE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
HOLLOW_DIAMOND - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
HOLLOW_SQUARE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
HOLLOW_TRIANGLE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.SeriesColorUtils
horizontalGridLinesVisibleProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX


iconFor(File, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
iconFor(File, int, Node) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
Calls Icons.iconForFileExtension(String, int, Node) for the provided File and default Node..
iconFor(Class<?>, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
Calls Icons.iconForClass(String, int) for the provided Class.
iconFor(Class<?>, int, Node) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
Calls Icons.iconForClass(String, int, Node) for the provided Class and default Node..
iconFor(Object, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
iconFor(Object, int) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi.IconProvider
Return an icon (i.e.
iconFor(Object, int, Node) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
iconFor(String) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi.MIMETypeIconProvider
Return an icon (i.e.
iconFor(String, int) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi.ClassIconProvider
Return an icon (i.e.
iconFor(String, int) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi.FileExtensionIconProvider
Return an icon (i.e.
iconFor(Path, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
iconFor(Path, int, Node) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
Calls Icons.iconForFileExtension(String, int, Node) for the provided Path and default Node..
iconForClass(String, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
iconForClass(String, int, Node) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
iconForFileExtension(String, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
iconForFileExtension(String, int, Node) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
iconForMIMEType(String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
iconForMIMEType(String, Node) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.Icons
IconProvider - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi
Provides icons (i.e.
Icons - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control
Provides methods to obtain specific icons.
IllegalLogarithmicRangeException(String) - Constructor for exception eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis.IllegalLogarithmicRangeException
INFO - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
init() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
initApplication() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
The application initialization method.This method is called immediately after the XAOSApplication class is loaded and constructed.
InitiatorAsynchronousIO<I> - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io
API for asynchronous file-system operations similar to AsynchronousIO, where each "file-system changing" operation takes an extra argument: the initiator of the change.
inject(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem
inside(double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is inside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
inside(float, float, float) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is inside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
inside(int, int, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is inside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
inside(long, long, long) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is inside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
invalidateRange(List<Number>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
Called when data has changed and the range may not be valid any more.
invalidateRange(List<Date>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
INVERTED_RAINBOW - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ColorGradient
invokeMethod(Object, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.Reflections
Invokes a no-parameter method on a given object.
invokeMethod(Method, Object, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.Reflections
Invokes a method on a given object.
io() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryMonitor
isAutoPointsCount() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Gets the value of the property autoPointsCount.
isBindFailed() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
isCloseComplete() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Returns true if this watcher was shutdown, and the shutdown process is completed (i.e.
isClosed() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Returns true if this watcher was shutdown, meaning that no elements will be posted to the errors and events streams.
isDirectory() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem
isDirectory() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.FileItem
isDirectory() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem
isDisposed() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
isDisposed() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryMonitor
isForceZeroInRange() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Gets the value of the property forceZeroInRange.
isHorizontalGridLinesVisible() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
isInsidePlotArea(Point2D) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Returns true if the mouse cursor is inside the plot area.
isInsidePlotArea(MouseEvent) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Returns true if the mouse cursor is inside the plot area.
isLeaf() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem
isLogZAxis() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
isNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
isNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
isNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
isNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
isNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
isNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Pluggable
Returns whether the series with the given name is displayed in chart Legend or not.
isNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
isPanDownDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property panDownDisabled.
isPanDownDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property panDownDisabled.
isPanLeftDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property panLeftDisabled.
isPanLeftDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property panLeftDisabled.
isPanRightDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property panRightDisabled.
isPanRightDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property panRightDisabled.
isPanUpDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property panUpDisabled.
isPanUpDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property panUpDisabled.
isPrecededBySeparator() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.spi.ToolbarContributor
isProjectionLinesVisible() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
isRedoDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property redoDisabled.
isRedoDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property redoDisabled.
isSelected() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
isSeriesDrawn(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
isSeriesDrawn(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
isSeriesDrawn(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
isSeriesDrawn(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
isSeriesDrawn(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
isSeriesVisible(XYChart.Series<X, Y>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
isSmooth() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
isUndoDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property undoDisabled.
isUndoDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property undoDisabled.
isValueOnAxis(Date) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
isVertical() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend
Gets the value of the property vertical.
isVerticalGridLinesVisible() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
isWatched(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Return whether the given Path is watched or not.
isXErrorValid() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
isYErrorValid() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
isZoomInDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property zoomInDisabled.
isZoomInDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property zoomInDisabled.
isZoomOutDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property zoomOutDisabled.
isZoomOutDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property zoomOutDisabled.
isZoomToOneDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Gets the value of the property zoomToOneDisabled.
isZoomToOneDisabled() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Gets the value of the property zoomToOneDisabled.
itemsProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend
iterator() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker


jdkCommonPool() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ThreadPools
JET_COLOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ColorGradient
Jet color gradient.


key() - Method in annotation type eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.BundleItem
The item key in the resource bundle.
key(X) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.AbscissaDataComparator
Creates a new instance of XYChart.Data whose XYChart.Data.getXValue() will return the given X value.
keyboardAccelerators() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin that allow panner and zoom operations to be performed using keyboards accelerators (Shortcut stands for Ctrl on Windows or Linux, and Command on macOS):   Panner DownShortcut+DOWN Panner LeftShortcut+LEFT Panner RightShortcut+RIGHT Panner UpShortcut+UP RedoShift+Shortcut+Z UndoShortcut+Z Zoom InShift+Shortcut+UP Zoom OutShift+Shortcut+DOWN Zoom To OneShortcut+EQUALS


layoutChartChildren(double, double, double, double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
layoutChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
layoutPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
layoutPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
layoutPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
layoutPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
layoutPlotChildren() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
Lazy<T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
Lazy evaluation value container.
Lazy(Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.Lazy
Legend - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A chart legend that displays a list of items with symbols in a TilePane.
Legend() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend
Legend.LegendItem - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A item to be displayed on a Legend.
LegendItem(String, Consumer<Boolean>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
LegendItem(String, Consumer<Boolean>, boolean) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
LegendItem(String, Node, Consumer<Boolean>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
LineChartFX<X,​Y> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A thin extension of the FX LineChart supporting custom plugin implementations.
LineChartFX(Axis<X>, Axis<Y>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Construct a new line chart with the given axis and data.
LineChartFX(Axis<X>, Axis<Y>, ObservableList<XYChart.Series<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Construct a new line chart with the given axis and data.
lineProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
LineStyle - Enum in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util
Predefined line styles.
load(InputStream) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.svg.SVG
Load SVG file and convert it to JavaFX.
load(String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.svg.SVG
Load SVG file and convert it to JavaFX.
load(URL) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.svg.SVG
Load SVG file and convert it to JavaFX.
log(Logger, String, String, Level, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Log a message.
log(Logger, String, String, Level, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Log a message.
log(Logger, String, String, Level, Throwable) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Log a message, with associated Throwable information.
log(Logger, String, String, Level, Throwable, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Log a message, with associated Throwable information.
log(Logger, String, String, Level, Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Log a message, with associated Throwable information.
log(Logger, Level, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Log a message.
log(Logger, Level, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Log a message.
log(Logger, Level, Throwable) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Log a message, with associated Throwable information.
log(Logger, Level, Throwable, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Log a message, with associated Throwable information.
log(Logger, Level, Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Log a message, with associated Throwable information.
LogAxis - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A logarithmic axis implementation for JavaFX charts.
LogAxis() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
LogAxis(double, double) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
LogAxis(String, double, double) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
LogAxis.IllegalLogarithmicRangeException - Exception in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
Exception to be thrown when a bound value isn't supported by the logarithmic axis.
LogHandler - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
Used by LogUtils to send to the information just logged for further processing.
LogHandlerProvider - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.core.util.spi
Provider of LogHandler to LogUtils.
logTime(Logger, Level, Runnable, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Logs the time spent executing the given function.
logTime(Logger, Level, Callable<T>, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Logs the time spent executing the given function.
logTimeSpent(Logger, Level, long, Runnable, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Logs the time spent executing the given function.
logTimeSpent(Logger, Level, long, Callable<T>, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Logs the time spent executing the given function.
logTimeSpent(Logger, Level, Runnable, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Logs the time spent executing the given function.
logTimeSpent(Logger, Level, Callable<T>, String, Object...) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Logs the time spent executing the given function.
LogUtils - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
Utilities for logging messages.
logZAxisProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
LONGITUDINAL - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.SeriesColorUtils
lowerBoundProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Gets the lower bound of the axis.


main(String[]) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.demos.simple.SimpleApplication
makeSquare(Region, double) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.FXUtils
Sets the minimum and the preferred size of the given region to the given size.
MarkerSymbol - Enum in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util
Predefined marker symbols.
match(XYChart.Data<X, Y>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
MathUtils - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
Miscellaneous mathematical utility functions.
mean(List<Color>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
Returns the mean Color of the ones in the given List.
meanColor(List<Stop>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
Returns the mean Color of the ones in the given List of Stops.
measureTickMarkSize(Number, Object) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Measure the size of the label for given tick mark value.
message() - Method in annotation type eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.BundleItem
The item message in the resource bundle.
MIMETypeIconProvider - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.spi
Provides icons (i.e.
MIN_TARGET_POINTS_COUNT - Static variable in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducer
The minimum number of target points: 2.
MissinBundleException - Exception in eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation
MissinBundleException() - Constructor for exception eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.MissinBundleException
Creates a new instance of MissinBundleException without detail message.
MissinBundleException(String) - Constructor for exception eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.MissinBundleException
Constructs an instance of MissinBundleException with the specified detail message.
MissinBundleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.MissinBundleException
Constructs an instance of MissinBundleException with the specified detail message and cause.
MissinBundleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.MissinBundleException
Creates a new instance of MissinBundleException with the specific cause, but without detail message.
model() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryMonitor
modification(Path, Path, I) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Update
Utility method to create an DirectoryModel.Update instance whose type is DirectoryModel.UpdateType.MODIFICATION.
MODIFICATION - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.UpdateType
Indicates file modification.
modifications() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
modifications() - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractCursorPlugin
Called when mouse enters the chart.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractCursorPlugin
Called when mouse exits the chart.
mouseMove(MouseEvent) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AbstractCursorPlugin
Called when mouse moves inside the chart.


name() - Method in annotation type eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.Bundle
The name (without extension and path) of the resource bundle for the class or interface annotated by this annotation.
nameProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
nameProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
navigator() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin that opens a NavigatorPopup when ALT key is pressed within the chart.
NavigatorController - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control
A JavaFX control with 9 buttons to navigate a graphical area.
NavigatorController() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
NavigatorPopup - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control
A popup window that shows 9 buttons to perform the following operation: zoom in/out/100%, pan up/right/down/left, forward/backward.
NavigatorPopup() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Create a new NavigatorPopup instance.
next() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
NO_GRAPHIC_FACTORY - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Graphic factory that always returns null.
nodeProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
NumberAxis - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A axis class that plots a range of numbers with major tick marks every "tickUnit".
NumberAxis() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Create a auto-ranging number axis.
NumberAxis(double, double, double) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Create a non-auto-ranging number axis with the given upper bound, lower bound and tick unit.
NumberAxis(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Create a non-auto-ranging number axis with the given upper bound, lower bound and tick unit.
NumberAxis.DefaultFormatter - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
Default number formatter for NumberAxis, this stays in sync with auto-ranging and formats values appropriately.You can wrap this formatter to add prefixes or suffixes;
NumberAxis.DoubleConverter - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot


of(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.Lazy
Creates and returns a new instance of Lazy to be used for a late evaluation of the given Supplier.
of(List<Double>, double, double, int, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
Quick way of creating a histogram chart showing the given data.
of(List<Double>, int, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
Quick way of creating a histogram chart showing the given data.
of(ServiceLoader<S>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.ServiceLoaderUtilities
Returns the List of implementers of the given service provider interface (spi).
of(ObservableList<Double>, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
Quick way of creating an area chart showing the given data.
of(ObservableList<Double>, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Quick way of creating a line chart showing the given data.
of(ObservableList<Double>, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
Quick way of creating a scatter chart showing the given data.
of(T) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.AutoCloser
Returns an instance of this class, wrapping the given resource, to be used in an auto-closable context.
ON_PAN_DOWN - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the navigator's panDown button is pressed.
ON_PAN_LEFT - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the navigator's panLeft button is pressed.
ON_PAN_RIGHT - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the navigator's panRight button is pressed.
ON_PAN_UP - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the navigator's panUp button is pressed.
ON_REDO - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the navigator's redo button is pressed.
ON_UNDO - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the navigator's undo button is pressed.
ON_ZOOM_IN - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the navigator's zoomIn button is pressed.
ON_ZOOM_OUT - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the navigator's zoomOut button is pressed.
ON_ZOOM_TO_ONE - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the navigator's zoomToOne button is pressed.
onPanDownProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the panDown button is pressed.
onPanDownProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
onPanLeftProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the panLeft button is pressed.
onPanLeftProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
onPanRightProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the panRight button is pressed.
onPanRightProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
onPanUpProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the panUp button is pressed.
onPanUpProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
onRedoProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the redo button is pressed.
onRedoProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
onUndoProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the undo button is pressed.
onUndoProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
onZoomInProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the zoomIn button is pressed.
onZoomInProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
onZoomOutProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the zoomOut button is pressed.
onZoomOutProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
onZoomToOneProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Called when the zoomToOne button is pressed.
onZoomToOneProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
order() - Method in annotation type eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.ServiceProvider
An optional number determining the load order of this service relative to others.
ordinateCursorDisplay() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the CursorDisplay.Position.BOTTOM the ordinate value at mouse cursor position.
ordinateCursorDisplay(CursorDisplay.Position) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the given position the ordinate value at mouse cursor position.
ordinateCursorDisplay(CursorDisplay.Position, Format) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Returns a plugin displaying at the given position the ordinate value at mouse cursor position, using the given formatter to format the ordinate value.
outside(double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is outside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
outside(float, float, float) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is outside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
outside(int, int, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is outside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
outside(long, long, long) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is outside the range made of the two extrema parameters,


PAN_DOWN_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
PAN_LEFT_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
PAN_RIGHT_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
PAN_UP_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
panDownDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Indicates whether or not the panDown button is disabled.
panDownDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
panLeftDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Indicates whether or not the panLeft button is disabled.
panLeftDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
panner() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Return a plugin that allows panning-by-dragging operation on both axis.
panner(AxisConstrained.AxisConstraints) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Return a plugin that allows panning-by-dragging operation along the specified axis.
panRightDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Indicates whether or not the panRight button is disabled.
panRightDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
panUpDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Indicates whether or not the panUp button is disabled.
panUpDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
PASTE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
PathItem(T, Function<T, Path>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem
PathItem(T, Node, Function<T, Path>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem
PIN - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
Pluggable - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins
Defines the needed behavior for a plot chart to be plugged with Plugins.
PluggableChartContainer - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A container for XYCharts where tool-bar is displayed when the mouse cursor is close to the top border.
PluggableChartContainer() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.PluggableChartContainer
Creates a new instance of this container.
PluggableChartContainer(Pluggable) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.PluggableChartContainer
Creates a new instance of this container with the given chart in its center and a toolbar on the top side, sliding down when the mouse cursor is close to it.
pluggableProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.PluggableChartContainer
Plugin - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
Base for XYChart plugins.
Plugin() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Plugins - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins
This class consists exclusively of static methods that return Chart's plugins.
pointsCountProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
postVisitDirectory(Path, IOException) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DeleteFileVisitor
predicateProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.FilterableTreeItem
ProjectionData(X[], Y[]) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ProjectionData
Creates new instance.
projectionLinesVisibleProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
proportion(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
proportion(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
provide(PluggableChartContainer) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.spi.ToolbarContributor
Provides a new element for the PluggableChartContainer toolbar.
providersOf(ServiceLoader<S>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.ServiceLoaderUtilities
Returns the List of ServiceLoader.Providers implementing the given service provider interface (spi).


RAINBOW - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ColorGradient
Rainbow colors gradient: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.
RamerDouglasPeuckerDataReducer<X extends Number,​Y extends Number> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data
DataReducer implementation based on a modified version of Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
RamerDouglasPeuckerDataReducer() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.RamerDouglasPeuckerDataReducer
readBinaryFile(Path) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Reads the contents of a binary file.
readBinaryFile(Path, I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Reads the contents of a binary file.
readBinaryFile(Path, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO
readBinaryFile(Path, Consumer<byte[]>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Reads the contents of a binary file.
readTextFile(Path, Charset) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Reads the contents of a text file.
readTextFile(Path, Charset, I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Reads the contents of a text file.
readTextFile(Path, Charset, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO
readTextFile(Path, Charset, Consumer<String>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Reads the contents of a text file.
readUTF8File(Path) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Reads the contents of an UTF8-encoded file.
readUTF8File(Path, I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Reads the contents of an UTF8-encoded file.
REDO_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
redoDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Indicates whether or not the redo button is disabled.
redoDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
reduce(List<XYChart.Data<X, Y>>, int) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducer
Reduces the number of the given data points to the specified targetPointsCount, if it is smaller than the data size.
reduce(List<XYChart.Data<X, Y>>, int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.RamerDouglasPeuckerDataReducer
Reflections - Class in eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang
Utility methods using the Java Reflection API.
registerHandle(Level, LogHandler) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Associate a LogHandler with the given Level.
remove(Path, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem
Removes the given Path from the model rooted at this item.
removeListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.AbstractData
REPLY - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
REPLY_ALL - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
report(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in error eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AnnotationError
reportCreation(Path, Path, I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Reporter
Report the creation of a file/directory element.
reportDeletion(Path, Path, I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Reporter
Report the removal of a file/directory element.
reportError(Throwable) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Reporter
Report an error.
reportModification(Path, Path, I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.Reporter
Report the modification of a file/directory element.
resolve(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem
ResourceUtils - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.util
Utilities to load resources from the module/class path.
runAfterBoth(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
runAfterBothAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
runAfterBothAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
runAfterEither(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
runAfterEitherAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
runAfterEitherAsync(CompletionStage<?>, Runnable, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
runOnFXThreadAndWait(Runnable) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.FXUtils
Execute the given task on the JavaFX event thread via Platform.runLater(Runnable) and await for termination.
runOnFXThreadAndWait(Runnable, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.FXUtils
Execute the given task on the JavaFX event thread via Platform.runLater(Runnable) and await for termination.
runOnFXThreadAndWaitSilently(Runnable) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.FXUtils
Execute the given task on the JavaFX event thread via Platform.runLater(Runnable) and await for termination.


ScatterChartFX<X,​Y> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
A thin extension of the FX ScatterChart supporting custom plugin implementations.
ScatterChartFX(Axis<X>, Axis<Y>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
Construct a new scatter chart with the given axis.
ScatterChartFX(Axis<X>, Axis<Y>, ObservableList<XYChart.Series<X, Y>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
Construct a new scatter chart with the given axis and data.
search(TreeItem<T>, Predicate<? super TreeItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return a List of the tree items from the tree rooted at the given root node, matching the given Predicate.
search(TreeTableView<T>, Predicate<? super TreeItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return a List of the tree items from the given tree table, matching the given Predicate.
search(TreeView<T>, Predicate<? super TreeItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return a List of the tree items from the given tree, matching the given Predicate.
SEARCH - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
searchValue(TreeItem<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return a List of the tree items from the tree rooted at the given root node, whose value is matching the given Predicate.
searchValue(TreeTableView<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return a List of the tree items from the given tree table, whose value is matching the given Predicate.
searchValue(TreeView<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItems
Return a List of the tree items from the given tree, whose value is matching the given Predicate.
seriesChanged(ListChangeListener.Change<? extends XYChart.Series>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Make sure the series is assigned the right style when added.
SeriesColorUtils - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util
Utility methods to set XYChart.Series's color.
seriesOf(List<Double>, double, double, int, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
Quick way of creating a histogram chart series from the given data.
seriesOf(List<Double>, int, String) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
Quick way of creating a histogram chart series from the given data.
seriesVisibilityUpdated(Chart, XYChart.Series<X, Y>, int, boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Called by charts when the visibility of a series changed.
service() - Method in annotation type eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.ServiceProvider
The interface (or abstract class) to register this implementation under.
ServiceLoaderUtilities - Class in eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation
Provides few more methods to ServiceLoader.
ServiceProvider - Annotation Type in eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation
Declarative verification of a singleton service provider.
ServiceProviders - Annotation Type in eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation
Similar to ServiceProvider but permits multiple registrations of one class.
set(T) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.Lazy
Sets a new value for this value container.
set(X[], Y[]) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ProjectionData
Sets the data.
set(X[], Y[], double[][]) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.DefaultData
Sets the data.
setAutoPointsCount(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Sets the value of the property autoPointsCount.
setAutoRangePadding(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Sets the value of the property autoRangePadding.
setBarGap(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
setChart(Chart) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Sets (or resets) the chart for this plugin.
setChartWidthToDataPointsRatio(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Sets the value of the property chartWidthToDataPointsRatio.
setColorGradient(DensityChartFX.ColorGradient) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
setConstraints(AxisConstrained.AxisConstraints) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AxisConstrained
Sets the value of the property constraints.
setData(DensityChartFX.Data<X, Y>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
setData(ObservableList<ErrorSeries.ErrorData<X, Y>>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
setData(ObservableList<XYChart.Data<X, Y>>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Sets the value of the property data.
setDataPoint(XYChart.Data<X, Y>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
setDataReducer(DataReducer<X, Y>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
Sets the value of the property dataReducer.
setDataReducer(DataReducer<X, Y>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Sets the value of the property dataReducer.
setDefaultLineColors() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Replace default JavaFX colors by XAOS default colors
setErrors(double, double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
Sets the X and Y errors.
setFieldValue(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.Reflections
Set a field to a given value.
setFieldValue(Field, Object, Object) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.Reflections
Set a field to a given value.
setFixedPointsCount(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Sets the value of the property fixedPointsCount.
setForceZeroInRange(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Sets the value of the property forceZeroInRange.
setGraphicFactory(TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Sets graphic factory used to create graphics of TreeItems in this directory model.
setHiddenFieldChildren(ObservableList<TreeItem<T>>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.FilterableTreeItem
Set the hidden private field TreeItem.children through reflection and hook the hidden ListChangeListener in TreeItem.childrenListener to the list.
setHorizontalGridLinesVisible(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
setHVLSeries(int, int, int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
Sets which series has to be considered "horizontal", "vertical" and "longitudinal".
setHVLSeries(int, int, int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
Sets which series has to be considered "horizontal", "vertical" and "longitudinal".
setHVLSeries(int, int, int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
Sets which series has to be considered "horizontal", "vertical" and "longitudinal".
setHVLSeries(int, int, int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Sets which series has to be considered "horizontal", "vertical" and "longitudinal".
setHVLSeries(int, int, int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
Sets which series has to be considered "horizontal", "vertical" and "longitudinal".
setItems(ObservableList<Legend.LegendItem>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend
Sets the value of the property items.
setLine(Node) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
Sets the value of the property line.
setLineStyle(XYChart.Series, LineStyle) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
setLinesWidth(float) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
setLogZAxis(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
setLowerBound(Date) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Sets the lower bound of the axis.
setMarkerSymbol(XYChart.Series, MarkerSymbol) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
setName(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingSeries
Sets the value of the property name.
setName(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
Sets the series' name.
setNode(Node) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
Sets the node to display for this series.
setNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
setNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
setNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
setNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
setNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
setNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Pluggable
Specifies a series to not be shown in chart Legend.
setNotShownInLegend(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
setOnPanDown(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property onPanDown.
setOnPanDown(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property onPanDown.
setOnPanLeft(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property onPanLeft.
setOnPanLeft(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property onPanLeft.
setOnPanRight(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property onPanRight.
setOnPanRight(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property onPanRight.
setOnPanUp(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property onPanUp.
setOnPanUp(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property onPanUp.
setOnRedo(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property onRedo.
setOnRedo(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property onRedo.
setOnUndo(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property onUndo.
setOnUndo(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property onUndo.
setOnZoomIn(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property onZoomIn.
setOnZoomIn(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property onZoomIn.
setOnZoomOut(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property onZoomOut.
setOnZoomOut(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property onZoomOut.
setOnZoomToOne(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property onZoomToOne.
setOnZoomToOne(EventHandler<Event>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property onZoomToOne.
setPanDownDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property panDownDisabled.
setPanDownDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property panDownDisabled.
setPanLeftDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property panLeftDisabled.
setPanLeftDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property panLeftDisabled.
setPanRightDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property panRightDisabled.
setPanRightDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property panRightDisabled.
setPanUpDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property panUpDisabled.
setPanUpDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property panUpDisabled.
setPluggable(Pluggable) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.PluggableChartContainer
Sets the value of the property pluggable.
setPointsCount(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
Sets the value of the property pointsCount.
setPredicate(TreeItemPredicate<T>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.FilterableTreeItem
Sets the value of the property predicate.
setProjectionLinesVisible(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
setRange(Object, boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
setRange(Object, boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LogAxis
setRange(Object, boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Called to set the current axis range to the given range.
setRedoDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property redoDisabled.
setRedoDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property redoDisabled.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
setSeriesColor(XYChart.Series, Color) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Set the color used by a series
setSeriesDrawn(String, boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
setSeriesRef(Integer) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
Sets the series number to attach error bar.
setShowLine(XYChart.Series, boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Toggle display line option for the specified series and update the plot By default, lines are shown in LineChartFX
setShowMarker(XYChart.Series, boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Toggle display markers for the specified series and update the plot By default, markers are not shown in LineChartFX
setShowMarkers(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
Set the flag to enable/disable showing symbols on the plot.
setSmooth(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
setSymbol(Node) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
Sets the value of the property symbol.
setText(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
Sets the value of the property text.
setTickLabelFormatter(StringConverter<Date>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Sets the tick label formatter for the ticks.
setTickUnit(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
Sets the value of the property tickUnit.
setUndoDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property undoDisabled.
setUndoDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property undoDisabled.
setUpperBound(Date) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Sets the upper bound of the axis.
setVertical(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend
Sets the value of the property vertical.
setVerticalGridLinesVisible(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
setXError(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
setYErrorBar(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
setZoneID(ZoneId) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
setZoomInDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property zoomInDisabled.
setZoomInDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property zoomInDisabled.
setZoomOutDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property zoomOutDisabled.
setZoomOutDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property zoomOutDisabled.
setZoomToOneDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Sets the value of the property zoomToOneDisabled.
setZoomToOneDisabled(boolean) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
Sets the value of the property zoomToOneDisabled.
SHARE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
show(Axis<X>, Axis<Y>, double, double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries.ErrorData
Shows the error bar(s) at the given center point.
show(Node, double, double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
show(Window, double, double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
SimpleApplication - Class in eu.ess.xaos.demos.simple
A simple, one-window application.
SimpleApplication() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.demos.simple.SimpleApplication
singleThreadExecutor() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ThreadPools
Returns a single-threaded executor (a degenerated pool) that can schedule commands to run after a given delay, or to execute periodically, operating off an unbounded queue (note however that if this single thread terminates due to a failure during execution prior to shutdown, a new one will take its place if needed to execute subsequent tasks).
size() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.DataReducingObservableList
sleep(long) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ThreadUtils
Invokes Thread.sleep(long) taking care of possible InterruptedExceptions by propagating the thread interruption.
sleep(long, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ThreadUtils
Invokes Thread.sleep(long) taking care of possible possible InterruptedExceptions by propagating the thread interruption.
smoothProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
SOLID - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.LineStyle
SOLID_CIRCLE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
SOLID_DIAMOND - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
SOLID_SQUARE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
SOLID_TRIANGLE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
spliterator() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
SQUARE_DOWN - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
SQUARE_LEFT - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
SQUARE_RIGHT - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
SQUARE_UP - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
stackTrace(StackTraceElement[]) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Returns a string representation of the given stack trace.
start(Stage) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.preloader.XAOSPreloader
start(Stage) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
startApplication(BorderPane) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
The main entry point for a XAOS application.
startApplication(BorderPane) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.demos.simple.SimpleApplication
STATISTICS - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
step() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
Tells the Preloader the application startup process is about to start the next step of progress.
step(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
Tells the Preloader the application startup process is about to start the next step of progress, which is itself split in the given number of sub-steps.
stepsBegin(int) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
Tells the Preloader the application startup process is about to begin.
stepsComplete() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
Tells the Preloader the application startup process is completed and the application's UI is about to be displayed.
stepsIndeterminate() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
Tells the Preloader the application startup progress is indeterminate.
stop() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
stop(Object) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ChartLayoutAnimator
Stop the animation with the given ID.
stopApplication() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
This method is called when the application should stop, and provides a convenient place to prepare for application exit and destroy resources.
stream() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
stream(ServiceLoader<S>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.ServiceLoaderUtilities
Returns a sorted stream to lazily load available providers of the given loader's service.
strictlyInside(double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is strictly inside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
strictlyInside(float, float, float) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is strictly inside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
strictlyInside(int, int, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is strictly inside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
strictlyInside(long, long, long) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.MathUtils
Check if the given value is strictly inside the range made of the two extrema parameters,
styleFor(Color, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.SeriesColorUtils
Returns the style to be applied for a given Color to a XYChart.Series.
styles() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.SeriesColorUtils
styles(int, int, int) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.SeriesColorUtils
Return the styles string to be applied to a chart.
subStep() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
Tells the Preloader the application startup process is about to start the next sub-step of progress.
SUNRISE - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ColorGradient
Red, yellow, white.
SVG - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.svg
SVGContent represents SVG content.
SVG() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.svg.SVG
symbolProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
sync(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Synchronize the model with the given directory element.
sync(Path, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem
Adds to the model rooted at this item all the subdirectories and files rooted at the given Path element.
sync(Path, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Synchronize the model with the given directory element.
SystemUtils - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
Some system utilities.


TABLE - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
test(TreeItem<T>, T) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemPredicate
Evaluates this predicate on the given arguments.
textProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
thenAccept(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T>, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenAcceptBoth(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U>, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenApply(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends U>, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenCombine(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U>, BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V>, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenCompose(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>>, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenRun(Runnable) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenRunAsync(Runnable) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
thenRunAsync(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
ThreadPools - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
Available thread pools to be used by almost any generic applications.
ThreadUtils - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
Various utilities for threads.
tickLabelFormatterProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Gets the tick label formatter for the ticks.
tickUnitProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis
The value between each major tick mark in data units.This is automatically set if we are auto-ranging.
TimeAxis - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
An axis that interpret numerical data as milliseconds and format them as HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MILLISECONDS.
TimeAxis() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.TimeAxis
Create a a non-auto-ranging NumberAxis with time values as major tickmark label in default format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.MILLISECONDS.
TimeAxis(double, double, double) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.TimeAxis
Create a non-auto-ranging NumberAxis with the given upper bound, lower bound and tick unit
TimeAxis(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.TimeAxis
Create a non-auto-ranging NumberAxis with the given upper bound, lower bound, tick unit and axis label.
TimeAxis(TimeUnit, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.TimeAxis
Create a non-auto-ranging NumberAxis with the given minimum and maximum time unit to be used for the tick labels.
TimeAxis.TimeConverter - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot
Converts Numbers to/from "[-][H…HH:][MM:]SS[.sss]" strings.
TimeConverter() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.TimeAxis.TimeConverter
TimeConverter(TimeUnit, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.TimeAxis.TimeConverter
Creates a new time converted with the specified minimum and maximum time units used to convert from Number to String.
timeStamp - Variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
The timestamp information in seconds since the Java epoch.
Timestamp - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util
A Comparable timestamp.
Timestamp(Timestamp) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Copy constructor.
Timestamp(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Primary constructor from the full precision seconds since the Java epoch.
Timestamp(Timestamp) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Construct a Timestamp from a Timestamp.
toBigDecimal() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Get the time in seconds with full precision since the Java epoch.
toColor(Paint) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
Converts the given Paint object to a Color one.
toCompletableFuture() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
toDataPoint(Point2D) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Converts given point in display coordinates into the corresponding point in data coordinates.
toDate() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Get the times tamp as a Java Date.
toDate(long) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
toDate(Instant) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
toDisplayPoint(XYChart.Data<?, ?>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Plugin
Converts given point in data coordinates into the corresponding point in display coordinates.
toInstant(long) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
toInstant(Date) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
toMilliseconds() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Get the timestamp in milliseconds relative to the Java epoch.
toNumericValue(Date) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
ToolbarContributor - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.spi
Implementations of this interface allow for new toolbar elements (buttons, combo boxes, etc.) being added into the PluggableChartContainer toolbar.
TopLevelDirectoryItem(T, TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory, Function<T, Path>, Function<Path, T>, DirectoryModel.Reporter<I>, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>, Consumer<? super TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T>>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem
Creates a new instance of TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem for the given parameters.
toRealValue(double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
toSeconds() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Get the time in seconds since the Java epoch.
toSQLTimestamp() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Get the SQL Timestamp equivalent of this instance.
toString() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.data.ErrorSeries
Returns a string representation of this Series object.
toString() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend.LegendItem
toString() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.Timestamp
Get a string representation of the Timestamp.
toString(long) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
toString(Double) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis.DoubleConverter
toString(Number) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.NumberAxis.DefaultFormatter
Converts the object provided into its string foFormat of the returned string is defined by this converter.rer.
toString(Number) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.TimeAxis.TimeConverter
toString(Instant) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
toString(Date) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
toString(Date) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis.DateConverter
toUTCString(long) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
toUTCString(Instant) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
toUTCString(Date) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
toWeb(Color) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.util.ColorUtils
Converts the given Color to its web string representation.
TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO<I,​T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
Implementation of an InitiatorAsynchronousIO that will update a DirectoryModel on each operation.
TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO(DirectoryWatcher, TreeDirectoryModel<I, T>, Executor) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO
TreeDirectoryItems - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
Containing the classes used by TreeDirectoryModel.
TreeDirectoryItems.DirectoryItem<T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
A TreeItem representing a directory.
TreeDirectoryItems.FileItem<T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
A TreeItem representing a file.
TreeDirectoryItems.PathItem<T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
An abstract class representing a TreeItem for a given Path.
TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem<I,​T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
A TreeItem representing a top-level directory, i.e.
TreeDirectoryModel<I,​T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
A DirectoryModel that can be used in a TreeView.
TreeDirectoryModel(I, Function<T, Path>, Function<Path, T>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Create a new instance of this model.
TreeDirectoryModel.DefaultGraphicFactory - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
Default graphic factory returning a folder icon for a directory and a document icon for a regular file.
TreeDirectoryModel.GraphicFactory - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
Factory to create graphics for TreeItems in a DirectoryModel.
TreeDirectoryMonitor<I,​T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory
TreeDirectoryMonitor combines a DirectoryWatcher, a TreeDirectoryModel, and a TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO.
TreeItemPredicate<T> - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of two arguments: the first is the parent TreeItem of the element subject of the function call, and the second the value of element itself.
TreeItems - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree
Provides methods to manipulate trees made of TreeItems.
TreeItemWalker<T> - Class in eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree
Walks a TreeItems tree depth-first.
TreeItemWalker(TreeItem<T>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Initialize the walker with the given root item.
TreeItemWalker(TreeTableView<T>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Initialize the walker with the TreeTableView.getRoot() from the given view.
TreeItemWalker(TreeView<T>) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Initialize the walker with the TreeView.getRoot() from the given view.
TriFunction<T,​U,​V,​R> - Interface in eu.ess.xaos.core.util.function
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.


UNDO_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
undoDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Indicates whether or not the undo button is disabled.
undoDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
unregisterHandle(Level, LogHandler) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.LogUtils
Removes a previously registered LogHandler.
unwatch(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Unwatch the given directory Path.
unwatchUp(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Unwatch the given directory and all its parents.
unwatchUp(Path, Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Unwatch the given directory and all its parents up to the given ancestor.
updateAxisRange() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
updateLegend() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.AreaChartFX
updateLegend() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.BarChartFX
updateLegend() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.HistogramChartFX
updateLegend() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.LineChartFX
updateLegend() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.ScatterChartFX
updateModificationTime(FileTime) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.FileItem
Updates the modification time associated with the file path.
updateModificationTime(Path, FileTime) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Updates the modification time for the item associated to the given Path.
updateModificationTime(Path, FileTime, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryItems.TopLevelDirectoryItem
Updates the modification time for the item associated to the given Path.
updateModificationTime(Path, FileTime, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryModel
Updates the modification time for the item associated to the given Path.
updateSystemDateAndTime(String) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ZoneIDHolder
Sets the date of a Linux machine to the given one.
upperBoundProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DateAxis
Gets the upper bound of the axis.


value() - Method in annotation type eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.BundleItems
value() - Method in annotation type eu.ess.xaos.tools.annotation.ServiceProviders
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.UpdateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AxisConstrained.AxisConstraints
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.LineStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.DirectoryModel.UpdateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AxisConstrained.AxisConstraints
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.LineStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.MarkerSymbol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERTICAL - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.util.SeriesColorUtils
verticalGridLinesVisibleProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX
verticalProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.Legend
visit(TreeItem<T>, BiConsumer<TreeItem<T>, Integer>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given tree root and calls the consumer for each tree item.
visit(TreeItem<T>, Consumer<TreeItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given tree root and calls the consumer for each tree item.
visit(TreeTableView<T>, BiConsumer<TreeItem<T>, Integer>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given root of the given tree and calls the consumer for each tree item.
visit(TreeTableView<T>, Consumer<TreeItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given root of the given tree and calls the consumer for each tree item.
visit(TreeView<T>, BiConsumer<TreeItem<T>, Integer>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given root of the given tree and calls the consumer for each tree item.
visit(TreeView<T>, Consumer<TreeItem<T>>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given root of the given tree and calls the consumer for each tree item.
visitFile(Path, BasicFileAttributes) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DeleteFileVisitor
visitValue(TreeItem<T>, BiConsumer<T, Integer>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given tree root and calls the consumer for each tree item's value.
visitValue(TreeItem<T>, Consumer<T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given tree root and calls the consumer for each tree item's value.
visitValue(TreeTableView<T>, BiConsumer<T, Integer>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given root of the given tree and calls the consumer for each tree item's value.
visitValue(TreeTableView<T>, Consumer<T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given root of the given tree and calls the consumer for each tree item's value.
visitValue(TreeView<T>, BiConsumer<T, Integer>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given root of the given tree and calls the consumer for each tree item's value.
visitValue(TreeView<T>, Consumer<T>) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.TreeItemWalker
Walks over the given root of the given tree and calls the consumer for each tree item's value.


warn(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in error eu.ess.xaos.tools.lang.AnnotationError
WARNING - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
wasReset() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher.DirectoryEvent
watch(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Watch the given directory for entry create, delete, and modify events.
watchOrStreamError(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Watch the given directory for entry create, delete, and modify events.
watchUp(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Watch the given directory and all its parents for entry create, delete, and modify events.
watchUp(Path, Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Watch the given directory and all its parents up to the given ancestor, for entry create, delete, and modify events.
watchUpOrStreamError(Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Watch the given directory and all its parents for entry create, delete, and modify events.
watchUpOrStreamError(Path, Path) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Watch the given directory and all its parents up to the given ancestor, for entry create, delete, and modify events.
whenComplete(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable>, Executor) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
WHITE_BLACK - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.DensityChartFX.ColorGradient
White to black gradient.
withInitiator(I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Returns an AsynchronousIO that delegates all operations to this facility with the given initiator of changes.
workStealingThreadPool() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.ThreadPools
Returns a thread pool that maintains enough threads to support a given parallelism level (equals to the number of available processors), and may use multiple queues to reduce contention.
wrap(CompletionStage<U>, Executor) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.DefaultExecutorCompletionStage
Wrap the original CompletionStage into a DefaultExecutorCompletionStage using the given executor.
writeBinaryFile(Path, byte[]) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Writes binary file to disk.
writeBinaryFile(Path, byte[], I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Writes binary file to disk.
writeBinaryFile(Path, byte[], I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO
writeBinaryFile(Path, byte[], Consumer<FileTime>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Writes a binary file filling it with the given content.
writeTextFile(Path, String, Charset) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Writes the given string in a text file to disk.
writeTextFile(Path, String, Charset, I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Writes the given string in a text file to disk.
writeTextFile(Path, String, Charset, I) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.tree.directory.TreeDirectoryAsynchronousIO
writeTextFile(Path, String, Charset, Consumer<FileTime>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.DirectoryWatcher
Writes a text file filling it with the given content.
writeUTF8File(Path, String) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.AsynchronousIO
Writes UTF8-encoded text to disk.
writeUTF8File(Path, String, I) - Method in interface eu.ess.xaos.core.util.io.InitiatorAsynchronousIO
Writes UTF8-encoded text to disk.


X_AND_Y - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AxisConstrained.AxisConstraints
The operation can be performed on both X_ONLY and Y_ONLY axis.
X_ONLY - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AxisConstrained.AxisConstraints
The operation should be allowed only along the X_ONLY axis.
xaos.app - module xaos.app
xaos.app.preloader - module xaos.app.preloader
xaos.core - module xaos.core
xaos.demos.simple.application - module xaos.demos.simple.application
xaos.tools - module xaos.tools
xaos.ui - module xaos.ui
xaos.ui.plot - module xaos.ui.plot
XAOSApplication - Class in eu.ess.xaos.app
This is the basic class from which any JavaFX applications based on the XAOS framework should inherit from.
XAOSApplication() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.app.XAOSApplication
XAOSPreloader - Class in eu.ess.xaos.app.preloader
Preloader showing a splash screen and progress controls.
XAOSPreloader() - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.app.preloader.XAOSPreloader
Creates a new instance of XAOSPreloader where the splash-screen fading-out is set to true.
XAOSPreloader(boolean) - Constructor for class eu.ess.xaos.app.preloader.XAOSPreloader
Creates a new instance of XAOSPreloader where the splash-screen fading-out is specified in the given parameter.


Y_ONLY - eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.AxisConstrained.AxisConstraints
The operation should be allowed only along Y_ONLY axis.


ZoneIDHolder - Class in eu.ess.xaos.core.util
Holds the current ZoneId and provides methods to work with it.
ZOOM_IN - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
ZOOM_IN_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
ZOOM_OUT - eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.CommonIcons
ZOOM_OUT_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
ZOOM_TO_ONE_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
zoomer() - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Return a plugin that allows zooming-by-dragging operation along the specified axis.
zoomer(AxisConstrained.AxisConstraints) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Return a plugin that allows zooming-by-dragging operation along the specified axis.
zoomer(AxisConstrained.AxisConstraints, boolean) - Static method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.plot.plugins.Plugins
Return a plugin that allows zooming-by-dragging operation along the specified axis.
zoomInDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Indicates whether or not the zoomIn button is disabled.
zoomInDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
zoomOutDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Indicates whether or not the zoomOut button is disabled.
zoomOutDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
zoomToOneDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorController
Indicates whether or not the zoomToOne button is disabled.
zoomToOneDisabledProperty() - Method in class eu.ess.xaos.ui.control.NavigatorPopup
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