
  • Class
    Represents a Cartesian box in R3.
    Represents a regular grid in three dimensions.
    Solves Poisson's equation for a potential function defined on a grid in R3.
    Represents an element of R^3, the three-dimensional cartesian real space.
    Class R3x3.IND is an enumeration of the matrix indices for the R3x3 class.
    Represents an element of R3×3, the set of real, 3×3 matrices.
    Class R3x3.IND is an enumeration of the matrix indices for the R3x3 class.
    Enumeration for the element positions of an R3x3 matrix element.
    Essentially this class is just a wrapper over the Jama matrix package class EigenvalueDecomposition.
    Encapsulates the results of an eigenvalue decomposition operation on a symmetric R3×3 matrix A object using Jacobi iterations.
    Represents a sphere in three-space.
    Represents an element of Z^3, the three-dimensional cartesian product of integers.