
  • Class
    Common application utilities
    ChartPopupAdaptor is an interface of adaptors that wrap charts so that different kinds of charts can be manipulated via a common interface that is appropriate for the SimpleChartPopupMenu and SimpleChartDialog.
    Edge Constraint defines the strut and growth constrains for a component.
    EdgeLayout allows the developer a simpler mechanism for layout of components than the GridBagLayout without sacrificing powerful layout capability.
    ImageCaptureManager manages the file chooser used to save image captures of the main window.
    Non-consecutive sequence selector moved from db2xal app and can be used by other apps.
    Defines a cell renderer capable of displaying numeric data.
    Dialog box for selecting a file path and saving it as the default URL spec in a preference.
    Dialog box that can be attached to a chart to make common settings available to the user.
    The custom layout manager.