Package xal.smf.attr
package xal.smf.attr
ClassDescriptionAn attribute set for alignment attributes (x, y, z, pitch, yaw, roll).The aperture bucket defines the inner geometry of the elements.The root class in the inheritance hierarchy of orthogonal sets of element attributes (such as a set of multipole harmonics, a set of aperture parameters, and others).An attribute set for the BPMAn attribute set for displacement alignment attributes (x, y, z).Attribute set for magnet information
len - is the effective magnetic length [m]
dfltMagField is the default field value (T for dipole, T/m for quad, etc.)
polarity - is the polarity flag. 1 means positive current = positive fieldA set of RF cavity attributes.A set of RF gap attributes.An attribute set for rotation alignment attributes (pitch, yaw, roll).A bucket to hold Information about sequences.A container class for Twiss parameter information