Package xal.service.pvlogger

package xal.service.pvlogger
  • Class
    ChannelGroup is a wrapper for the PV_SET data source which defines a group of related PVs.
    Represents the properties of a channel group which can be edited.
    ChannelSnapshot is a representation of the data associated with a channel at some point in time.
    ChannelWrapper is a wrapper for a Channel that handles connecting to the channel and setting up a monitor when its channel is connected.
    LoggerChangeAdapter is the empty implementation of the LoggerChangeListener.
    LoggerChangeListener is a listener interface for LoggerChange events.
    Manage the configuration of the PV Logger
    LoggerModel is the main model for the pvlogger service.
    LoggerService is the implementation of LoggerPortal that responds to requests from remote clients on behalf of the logger model.
    LoggerSession manages a session of logging machine state.
    MachineSnapshot is a representation of the data for a snapshot of the machine state at some point in time.
    Provides a public interface to the PV Logger package
    Exception thrown for a general runtime error involving the PV logger tools.
    Interface for communicating with a remote PV logger
    Center for communicating with a remote PV logger
    SessionModel manages a single logger session.