Package xal.model.elem

package xal.model.elem

Modeling Elements Package Library

This package provides classes for modeling hardware aspects of accelerator systems.

Element Descriptions


Focusing magnetic quadrupole element.
- Uni-polar power supply
- Can be oriented as horizontally focusing (IElectromagnet.ORIENT_HOR) or vertically focusing (IElectromagnet.ORIENT_VER).


Corrective magnetic quadrupole element.
- Bi-polar power supply
- Cannot be oriented (see Javadoc)
- Handles space charge correctly


This is the usual focusing quadrupole, with the additional property that it has been rolled with respect to the beam axis. Presumeabley, this additional property is done intentionally in hardware. It is not a misalignment.


I think we need a convention for quadrupoles. Some examples,
- I orient IdealMagSkewQuad2 to focus in quadrants 2 and 4 for positive drive current and to focus in quadrants 1 and 3 for negative drive current.

- I think we need a better design for the IElectromagnet interface, and magnets in general. For example, I don't think getOrientation() makes sense, since this value is not dynamic.
- On the SMF side, Magnet has parameters that do not make sense for all its children (i.e., the hierarchy is questionable). For example, isHorizontal() and isVertical methods do not make sense for a skew quadrupole.

Christopher K. Allen
Created: January, 2008

  • Class
    This class is used as a location marker in the modeling lattice.
    This class is used as a location marker in the modeling lattice.
    This class implements IElectromagnet interface for composed magnets.
    Convenience abstract base class for constructing XAL modeling elements.
    Convenience abstract base class for a composite modeling element.
    Represents a drift space in a particle beam transport/accelerator system.
    Represents a thick electric dipole magnet for a beam transport/accelerator system.
    Represents an ideal electrostatic quadrupole for a beam transport/accelerator system.
    Represents an ideal magnetic steering dipole in the horizontal direction.
    This class has been replaced by IdealMagDipoleFace2
    Represents the action of a rotated dipole face as a thin lens effect.
    Represents a quadrupole magnet with thin face elements which represent fringe field.
    Represents the action of a rotated dipole face as a thin lens effect.
    Octupole magnets element Created by Hiroyuki Sako on 11/30/07.
    Represents an ideal magnetic quadrupole magnet for a beam transport/accelerator system.
    This class has been replaced by IdealMagSectorDipole2
    Represents a bending magnetic dipole magnet for a beam in a sector configuration.
    Sextupole magnets element
    This class has been replaced by IdealMagSkewQuad3
    Represents a "skewed" ideal quadrupole magnet.
    Models an ideal solenoid magnet.
    Represents the action of an ideal magnetic dipole.
    This class has been replaced by IdealMagWedgeDipole2
    Represents a bending dipole magnet with arbitrary pole face angles.
    Represents an ideal permanent magnet quadrupole for a beam transport/accelerator system.
    This class represents a general RF cavity being an composition of RF gaps and cavity drifts.
    Represents a drift region between RF cavity accelerating gaps.
    Represents the action of an ideal RF gap.
    Represents the action of an ideal RF gap.
    Enumeration specifying the method of phase and energy gain calculation.
    Represents an ideal magnetic steering dipole in the vertical direction.
    This interface defines the common properties of all electromagnet elements.
    This class is used as a location marker in the modeling lattice.
    Represents the action of an ideal RF gap.
    Enumeration specifying the method of phase and energy gain calculation.
    Represents a thick magnetic dipole magnet for a beam transport/accelerator system.
    This class implements IElectromagnet interface for thick magnets.
    This class implements IElectrostatic interface for thick electrostatics.
    Base class for all modeling elements having a finite length.
    Provides custom BeanInfo for all ThickElement instances.
    User element representing a general beamline element.
    This class implements IElectromagnet interface for thin magnets.
    Classes derived from ThinElement are modeled as having no length.
    Provides custom BeanInfo for all ThinElement instances.
    Represents a thin lens abstract modeling element in a particle beam transport/accelerator system.
    User element represent a general beamline element.