Package xal.model.alg
package xal.model.alg
ClassDescriptionSimple algorithm for testing the model framework.Implements the tracking mechanism for EnsembleProbe objects.Tracking algorithm for
objects.Tracking algorithm for propagatingEnvelopeProbe
objects.Abstract Base Class for Algorithms Propagating RMS EnvelopesRF Gap Emittance Growth ModelsEnumerations for supported phase planesThis class is a super class of theEnvelopeTracker
class meant to handle the special case ofIdealPermMagQuad
elements.This class is a super class of theEnvelopeTracker
class meant to handle the special case ofIdealPermMagQuad
elements.Tracking algorithm forEnvelopeProbe
's.Algorithm for tracking a single particle, represented by the classParticleProbe
through a XAL modeling element, represented by an object exposing theIComponent
interface.Algorithm for propagating aSynchronousProbe
object through any modeling element that exposes theIComponent
interface.Tracking algorithm forEnvelopeProbe
's.Abstract Base Class for Tracking AlgorithmsDeprecated.Propagates aTransferMapPropbe
through a hardware element.Tracking algorithm forTwissProbe
objects.This class is a super class of theTwissTracker
class meant to handle the special case ofIdealPermMagQuad