Package xal.extension.solver
package xal.extension.solver
ClassDescriptionAlgorithmPool keeps track of the available algorithms.AlgorithmPool keeps track of the available algorithms.AlgorithmSchedule keeps track of and executes the next algorithm based on its score.The interface implemented by listeners of algorithm schedule events.Evaluator is an interface to a custom evaluator for a specific problem.Exception indicating an invalid solver configurationMutableTrialPointObjective represents a goal to achieve in optimization.Problem is the primary class for holding the user's problem information.Generate problems for some special casesException indicating that a run has been terminatedCollection of satisfaction curve functionsScore is a collection of objectives with scores mapped to those objectives.Scoreboard maintains the status of the solver including the clock and the best solution found so far.ScoreBoardListenerScore a trial.Solver is the primary class for setting up and running an optimization.SolverStopperFactory is an interface which generates a stopper.Stopper is an interface for an object than can be used to stop a solver.Trial keeps track of trial points.TrialPoint is a collection of variables and values for those variables.Trial veto turns down a trial based on a particular trial point.ValueRef class is a reference to the current value for a single variable in the current trial point.Variable describes a parameter that may be varied by the solver.