Package xal.extension.jels.smf.attr

package xal.extension.jels.smf.attr
  • Classes
    Attribute set for additional magnet information about Fringe-Fields factors
    gap - total gap of magnet (m) entrK1 - Upstream edge face Fringe-field factor (default = 0.45 for a square-edged magnet) entrK2 - Upstream edge face Fringe-field factor (default = 2.80 for a square-edged magnet) exitK1 - Downstream edge face Fringe-field factor (default = 0.45 for a square-edged magnet) exitK2 - Downstream edge face Fringe-field factor (default = 2.80 for a square-edged magnet)
    Attribute set for additional magnet information about dipole correctors
    An extended set of RF cavity attributes.
    A set of FieldMap attributes.
    An attribute set for the NPM
    A set of dummy RFQ attributes.