Package xal.extension.jels.model.elem
package xal.extension.jels.model.elem
Combination of modeling elements from TraceWin documentation put into OpenXAL reference frame.
Thoroughly tested and compared to TraceWin results.
ClassDescriptionGeneral electromagnetic field map integrator.Interface to select an integrator by reference.A FieldMapPoint object is normally returned by a
object and contains the values of the electric and magnetic fields at a given point, together with the value of the derivative of the fields.Represents the action of a rotated dipole face as a thin lens effect.Represents a bending magnetic dipole magnet for a beam in a sector configuration.Represents a bending dipole magnet with arbitrary pole face angles.Represents the action of an ideal RF gap.The default element mapping implemented as singleton.Thick element version for magnetic field map implementation.Thick element version for RF field map implementation.Magnetic fieldmap 3D implementation.Thin element version for RF field map implementation.Taking care of loading and interpolating transfer matrices from a file.