Package eu.ess.bled.devices.lattice

package eu.ess.bled.devices.lattice
eu.ess.bled.devices.lattice contains the objects that are a part of the accelerator lattice. All elements in this package are organized into a sequence and have a physical and unique location within the accelerator.
  • Class
    Aperture represents an aperture in the lattice.
    BeamlineElement is the base element of the lattice.
    ApertureType describes different types of apertures.
    BeamlineElementProperty represents an additional property that can be defined for one beamline element.
    PropertyType defines the type of the property value.
    BeamlineElementPropertyValue represents a concrete value of one property of a BeamlineElement.
    Bend is an extension of the Magnet, which describes a single bending magnet in the accelerator.
    Orientation describes different magnet orientations.
    BPM is a definition of the Beam Position Monitor.
    Corrector is a definition of the beam correction element in the lattice.
    Drift represents a drift space in the lattice.
    DTLCell represents a Drift Tube Linac element as used in the TraceWin.
    ElectrostaticAcceleration represents an electrostatic acceleration element.
    ElectrostaticBend represents an electrostatic bend element.
    BendType describes a type of electrostatic bend.
    ElectrostaticQuadrupole represents an electrostatic quadrupole element.
    FieldMap represents a field map element.
    LatticeCommands represents the elements from the commands table, which stores all the commands in the system.
    Magnet represents a physical magnet in the lattice.
    Marker is an abstract beamline element of null length and aperture, which defines a particular location in the lattice.
    MultipoleMagnet represents multi pole magnets in the beamline.
    MagnetType describes different types of multipoles.
    NCell describes a multiple cavity cell as used and defined in the TraceWin.
    RFCavity represents an rf cavity element in the lattice.
    RFQCell describes a radio frequency quadrupole cell as defined and used in TraceWin.
    A Solenoid Magnet.
    SpaceChargeCompensation represents a space charge compensation.
    ThinLens represents a thin lens element, which has a 0 length.